What is Team Redundant Team?
It’s a mind riddle and a mind thought for your mind app.
When my son was young he was so into his headphones and his flip flips, that he wanted to make sure he had a back-up pair of headphones and flip-flops in case something happened to the first pair. I told him that was smart and at the restaurant we always make sure we have redundancy for our systems. If our dishwasher machine motor goes out we can’t wait for a new motor to ship to us in a week or pay $500 for overnight shipping, we need to have a backup motor on hand. The same goes for the oven parts, hinges on cooler doors, and so many things in business and life. Having redundancy is efficient, saves time, and in business can be the difference between making money and not making money.
One of us came up with the idea of TEAM REDUNDANT TEAM. We were the original members. For Christmas that year I made T-shirts for the family and later bumper stickers to give away at Satchel’s. The great thing about the bumper stickers? Each sticker comes with 2 TEAM REDUNDANT TEAM stickers.
Eventually I bought the World’s best domain: TEAMREDUNDNANTTEAM.COM but I never could figure out what to do with it. My son suggested redirecting here as a place to begin my dream of selling TRT official merchandise. In the future I want to have a standalone site with interesting items that might be mind riddles or mind thoughts for your mind app.
If people want to join the Team Redundant Team, they can do so by getting a TEAM REDUNDANT TEAM MEMBERS ONLY MEMBERSHIP KIT.
Maybe you have a backup pair of your favorite shoes, or maybe you have a backup pair of your prescription glasses? Maybe, like me, when you say something important you make sure to reiterate your point again to drive it home? If so, you might want to join the Team that is always backed up and not afraid of redundancy. TEAM REDUNDANT TEAM is #1! We’re not afraid to say the important things twice.
To become a member the kit is available online only at the link below.